The SWITCH project is interested in simulating the mobility of tomorrow. In French

This page lists some interactive simulators allowing to visualise the impact of various cognitive biases on choices of mobility.
- Modal report simulator that includes the influence of perception biases and habits on the reactions of the population: plus
- Social pressure can have a positive impact: the more colleagues cycle to work, the more one is incited to imitate them, both directly (peer pressure) and indirectly (workplace providing more infrastructures for cyclists). Translation to come. In French
- Halo bias can push to ignore a negative aspect of one’s mobility mode, in order to avoid having to reconsider it: simulator1 simulator2
- Reactance bias can push to assert one’s free will by doing the opposite of what someone tries to force us to do: simulator
- Habits are hard to modify under normal conditions, and can create an inertia in mobility adaptation to climate change: simulator
- More models are available in French
Research papers about some of these simulators:
- Carole Adam. “Simulating the impact of cognitive biases on the mobility transition.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03554 (2023). Link
- Carole Adam. Simulating the impact of cognitive biases on the mobility transition. 54th ISAGA Conference (Simulation and Gaming). La Rochelle, France, July 2023. Proceedings
- Carole Adam. Interactive simulation of inertia created by mobility habits. 54th ISAGA Conference (Simulation and Gaming). La Rochelle, France, July 2023. Proceedings
- More publications on the project page: SWITCH